Friday, April 22, 2005


So my bro says that using "all things being equal" to make sentences longer reminds him of his french learning years and how he used to write "malheureusement" (=unfortunately) all the time for the same purpose :)

I just came back from campus, and strangely enough, I am not that sleepy even though I just had 4 hours of sleep from 6 am to 10 am. Yeh, it was one of those weird nights again. I don't really mind it, as long as I am getting work done. And I met Billy today and discussed a few things. It was good, especially the part when he said that I am trying to be a linguistic semanticist (for non-linguists: it's a good thing, for linguists: is it? :) ) in my thesis and I was thinking "oh God, I am.. wow, can I actually be one?!". But, you know, now I am all tense since the words "registration" and "time-plan" came up. It's important to have a sense of time, I know, it's just that suddenly the literal meaning of 'deadline' is so obvious..

Anyway, in light of this realisation, here is an outline of my plan for next week:

Saturday: work + (maybe) watch a movie

Sunday: work + have real (Egyptian) food + more work

Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday: work, work, work

Thursday: be miserable (it's Niha's wedding party now)

Friday: recover, work, maybe meet Billy again to discuss things

Isn't it nice to have a schedule? :) Malheureusement, I have to be miserable again this week :(



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