Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Bad (aawoo) timing

I can't be busier these days.. I have lots of packing to do, preparing to move in a few days, collecting my stuff, sorting out my books and papers, filling suitcases and boxes, and of course also trying to catch up with my studying and proposal.. when in the heat of all this: I twist my ankle. It was a nasty fall actually as I was standing on the chair to get a heavy box from the top of the wardrobe and stepping down.. aawoo, apparently the box was too heavy. It started really hurting just 5 minutes afterwards. I hobbled my way to my flatmate's room to ask if she has any pain relieving cream or spray, luckily my Chinese flatmate Xia had a sort of oil to rub it over. She was even sweet enough to insist on rubbing it herself, the Chinese-way that she learnt from her grandma (the rubbing hurt too). The oil is working but it's slow, and my other flatmate Aisha is on her way now to the pharmacy to get me another spray.

So, in the time when I need every minute to get things done, I am lying in bed, doing nothing but thinking about a million thing, staring at my messy room and occasionally saying: aawooooooo :(



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