Friday, July 29, 2005

fooling around

I can't wait anymore.. I am trying to make myself busy with anything but.. I reached the point where my mind actually stopped working. I start reading things but nothing is taken in, and I end up fliping pages aimlessly. Then I did some shopping (there is a sale now), which was fun to be walking around with my iPod, but then I stopped when I realised I am spending a lot of money. So we're back to doing nothing, except thinking of all the people I want to see and things I want to do back home. Still, I have been busy lately thinking of the 'cheapest' way to go to Heathrow.

One not very pretty scene was at Euston station yesterday. I have never seen before this number of armed police in one place. I know they are supposed to make you feel safe, but I have to admit: they look scary too with all their guns and stuff.

And to make my boring evening complete, on BBC 1 right now there is "Independence Day", the crappiest American universe-saving-alien-destructing movie of all time. I especially like the part when they are arranging the universal counter-attack and send a message to the British, then the British soldier says: "about bloody time" then says "what are they planning to do?" in a fairly American accent. And of course the "we will not go quietly into the night, we will not vanish without a fight" all-inspiring speech. Oh.. but of course the "oops" part is the ultimate favourite.

Anyway, it's just 2 more days to go. When are those 30-day months when you need them?



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