Tuesday, July 19, 2005

How well do you spell?

I was watching a spelling contest the other day on tv, and I was thinking why don't we have spelling contests in Egypt? We have all kinds of shows like these, but I never knew of one that asks about spelling. Personally, I think it will be hilarious. Having the wonderful experience of teaching and correcting translation for undergrads, I know it will be funny. And by the way, in that show, I couldn't spell "chihuahua" but I got "onomatopoeia" right :)

according to a survey published in El Mundo, Dan Brown's El Código Da Vinci (Da Vinci's Code)
is the number 1 read in the past three months among the Spanish. So, what's the connection between this book and these particular months? hmm..

i finally got to watch 10 minutes of the infamous Big Brother, and.. yak.



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