Tuesday, September 27, 2005

the after(weekend)life

Do you know what is the bad thing about spending a very nice weekend at a house warming party on saturday and meeting a very interesting bunch of egyptians studying/living in London and even sleeping over and chatting some more till sunday afternoon?

It's leaving..

Shepherd, what ails thee, then?
Sheperd, why mute?
Forth with thy joyous song!
Forth with thy flute!
Tempts not the revel blithe?
Lure not their cries?
Glow not their shoulders smooth?
Melt not their eyes?
Is not, on cheeks like those,
Lovely the flush?
- Ah, so the quiet was!
So was the hush!

Matthew Arnold, "Bacchanalia"



Blogger Al Sharief said...

A very nice Hush..
I wish I was there..

2:15 PM  

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