What do you understand when someone says "x is the sun"? What kinds of associations do we make between the sun and a human being? How does cultural background reflect on this? And how does the moon come into the picture, if ever? I came to think about this when I was reading a paper on metaphor the other day for the reading group I mentioned on Wednesday. The main problem from the linguistic point of view is whether metaphorical meanings are to be considered part of 'what is said' or 'what is implicated', but, lucky for you, I won't go into that :) The example discussed in the paper is the following (presumably said by Romeo):
Now look at the range of associated meanings that have been mentioned to be communicated by this metaphor and tell me if you don't think some of them are really weird (I listed them in an ascending order of weirdness):
- Juliet is the warmth of Romeo's world.
- Juliet is the brightest thing Romeo knows.
- Romeo's day begins with Juliet.
- Juliet is without peer.
- Juliet is the object around which Romeo's world revolves.
- Only in Juliet's nourishment can Romeo grow.
- Everything else is lit by Juliet's presence.
- The moon, which other lovers use as an emblem of love, is merely Juliet's reflected light and dead in comparison.
- Romeo is inevitably drawn to her although he knows this to be dangerous.
I don't know about you, but when I think of the sun metaphor I primarily think of it in romantic terms and, as you can see, the more scientific elements that have to do with astrology or physics get in the way, the farther this meaning is from my mind. And what brings the moon into all this? I don't think I ever think of the moon when someone describes a lady as the sun, certainly not in the negative way in (8). More generally, I think that in Eastern cultures, the meanings associated with describing someone (whether you can say that about a man as about a woman is another cultural issue too I guess) as the sun won't go beyond number (4).
How about this metaphor:
I wouldn't be surprised if the first meaning that comes to mind from describing Juliet as the moon (which is to say that she is beautiful) turns out not to be as universal as I would've thought. How about "Juliet is a star"? This certainly does not get us thinking that Juliet is a self-luminous source of energy, just like the sun, but it's much farther away.
When i think of the sun i think about a man, the moon is the female. The sun is stronger than the moon, just like the man is stronger (physicely) than the women. Describing your love as the sun i think just illustrates how important they are to you, the sun can be dangerous, to hot etc, so such a love can prove fatal, just like Julia became Romeo's death. When i compare a love with the sun i think about lots of pasion and emotions, hot romantic love, but also of jelousy, a love that has the potential to destroy. The love of the moon is much more gentel, enduring love. The moon loves with less pasion but the love runs deeper and has more respect and regard for the lover. Generally i would prefer to compare the moon with love than the sun, a love like the sun frightens me, a pray one day to find a love like the moon.
I hope this makes sense?
Just one comment, comparing love with a star? That would be an unobtainable love, stars are lovely but to far away so loving a star is not realistic.
Yeh, some are weird meanings. I think (6) is very weird. And I don't think of the moon either in this context at all.
But you raise a good point about describing a man or a woman as the sun. Sita (I don't know where is she from) says she thinks of the sun as a man and the moon as a woman. But is this just the reflection of the language and masculine/feminin words (you're the expert :) ) or in her culture you can't describe a woman as the sun?
interesting topic.. :) keep it up
Gosh, it wasn't that difficult after all, I simply needed to focus on what you just wrote. Puting the linguistic elements aside as it's not my territory here, I'll speak about the romantic and cultural side that reflects all these Sun, Moon, Star, Romeo & Juliet.
I first agree with you on this Moon & Sun discriptions when we relate them to our beloved ones, it's purely cultural and I noticed that in the East & specialy Orient, the moon is the most famous discription of a woman when her man try to approach her (which like you said imply her beauty aspect) opposite from Western culture where most men perceive their beloved ones as Sun that shines their life. But again for instance, even same discription differs inside same cultural depending on many factors, education & social and backgrounds. So Juliet is the moon and/or sun is strictly individual and the power of each discription depend on the strength that each discription present to the one who use it to discrib his beloved one.
Am I making any sense here coz I suddenly felt lost :) It's really complicating to use celestial terms to identify a lover, I would go simple and tell him "You're my Everything", this might save me from forgeting anything and will also imply all terresterial & celestial discriptions :)
Well, that's all what on my mind for the time being, I'll sure jump again and add if there is anything to be added.
Have a good day all,
Italian Rose ...;..@
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