Wednesday, July 05, 2006

rediscovering me

Well, after a lot of concerned messages and comments worrying over my long disappearance from the blogosphere, I am back. It's not that I spend too much time cooking, it's not that I am crushed by England's defeat in the world cup, it's not that I gave up on blogging.. it's simply that I was rediscovering myself. June was one of the most important months of my life. I was experiencing the full fledge of the new me: the married/student/socially active woman that I am now and will be for a long time, and all I can say is: wow.. it's exciting, demanding, surprising and tiring :) Let's take each one at a time.

  • Being married: well, there a lot of 'nice' things about being married ;-), but there are a lot of demands too. But fear not, I'm doing great in the cooking department (so far) but the housework has been too much since we had a lot of things to organise in our first month in the house.
  • Being a student: well, I have to admit, this suffered a lot during the preparations before marriage then there was a long holiday. My biggest challenege now is time management, i.e. to organise my time so I can spend a fixed number of hours studying each day while doing all the little and big things in everyday life too.
  • Being socially active: well, this is also important and I know I will be able to enjoy my weekends better if I study well and not feel guilty every time I go out.

So, June is over and I think I pretty much did well. For one thing, we really sorted out a lot of things around the house. Of course I still have to learn to take care of our garden since I have no clue and I still have unpacking to do, but we're getting there. For another, I was lucky to have this conference presentation on the 30th so I had to prepare for it. It went very well, except for the fact that by the end of the day I was falling asleep. But my poster was great and looked interesting, I met some Syrian students at Essex University who passed me the important piece of information that PhD really means "permanent head damage" :), and I attended a lecture by Andrew Radford, dubbed "the most read living linguist" compared to Chomsky who apprently is "the most cited living linguist" :) linguists and their superlatives, hehe..

So now it's July.. and we all know what this means: celebrations celebrations celebrations.. my mum's birthday was 2 days ago, my birthday is coming up soon, Ali's birthday follows, then my bro's birthday is the last. Exciting, isn't it? We got engaged on the 11th of Jan, we got married on the 11th of May and it's exactly 11 days between our birthdays :) it's fate I tell ya.. Of course our birthdays this year are extra special and so will be the celebrations.

Well.. I just want to say that Mai the blogger is back.. she has been very busy lately but she is all so enthusiastic as ever.. :) ok, I better go study some more before I have to think what are we having for dinner tonight to get it ready before the match.. France and Portugal.. wow, I love Zido but I also love Figo so I don't know what to do.. :)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Mai,

you are very funny for texting , very romantic, lovely, sweety... the world needs a woman like you are. i think ALI who gets married you is very happy to have you as wife. GOoood luck for your life and family^^^^^^ my hello to your husband.

2:42 AM  

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