Thursday, November 09, 2006

hmmm... interesting

I just had a CfP for a conference on "Globalisation and Writing". It started like this:

"We live in interesting times.."

Well.. things looking good, yep, it's good to know that I'm living in an interesting time.. I have to say though that I've always wished to live in another time.. if I can only go back a limited number of years, I would definitely want to live in the 60s.. if my time machine is unstoppable, then I would defenitely go to the time of the pharoas and preferrably be a queen :) Anyway, let's get back to the conference.. so the email goes on to say:

"In the last twenty-five years neoliberalism and globalisation have transformed the world. People live under the shadows of climate change, wars, AIDS and poverty."

Hello.. not exactly my idea of interesting. I want my time machine.



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