Friday, April 01, 2005

Exploring London: Day 8

At last.. today was sunny. And we spent the day in the lovely town of Greenwich.. yes, today we were exactly on the GMT line and we took pictures to prove it too :) It was really great , we visited the Royal Observatory and I just know, dad and miro, you would have loved it with all the astronomical and scientific stuff. I loved the way they ordered the events and the matching items on display chronologically to tell the story of the development of astrology and time calculation. And I can now confirm that Cairo lies exactly on the latitude of 30 degrees and 1' North and the longitude of 31 degrees and 13' East :)

And for your information, GMT was decided to be the basis of International Time Zone System in 1884 at the International Meridian Conference that was held in Washington DC (I am surprised the Americans didn't insist on having it on their land :) )

The park around the Observatory is great too and a lovely view, we sat on the grass for a while, walked around town and then took a long ride on the bus to Holborn tube station (Sita wants to enjoy sitting on the upper deck of the bus whenever she can). It was great, and thank God the weather today was beautiful.

Now.. it's only one day left and I'll be all alone again. In the observatory today in the section on measuring time, it was written that St. Augustine said 1500 years ago when asked about time "I know if no one asks me. But, if I want to explain it.., I don't know." Well.. I'll tell you what time is.. time is the thing that flies by when you are feeling good.

God help me in passing the coming times..



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