Wednesday, March 01, 2006

bewinter bespeaks becold

Of course only one of those three words is actually a word in English :) As I am lying on my sofa with a soar throat and a possible fever probably for the tenth time in this never-ending winter, I don't know what made me think of this word "bespeak". Billy mentioned it in a lecture last Monday when he played an audio clip which included a very nice comment about using this word. So with the lack of the ability to do anything requiring even a medium degree of mental focus, I decided to play around with this for a while, and of course bother you with it.

The first logical (or illogical, depending on your point of view) step was to run a google search on the word. And it took mr. google 0.48 seconds to tell us that there are 549,000 instances of "bespeak" on the internet. The first 10 hits were interesting because 9 of them were definitions of the word from various sources. Only the last hit was an actual use of the word in the context of an American magazine article entitled "New digs bespeak forgotten grandeur". Furter research into this unveiled that there is a website which belongs to Baltimore Ethical Society, and there is also a blog entitled Bespeak by a certain Nancy in the States. And if you are still wondering about how you never heard this word before, add to your vocabulary its related cousins: Becalc and Bemap.

Well.. all this could be bespeaking of one of two things: either I am befreaking sick and possibly delirious or I am befreaking bored to death.

my tv broke yesterday and this alone bespeaks loads.. :)

beMai :)


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