Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Two weekends in a row, we organised a night of Egyptian movie and snacks with friends. The first one, at a friend's house, we watched a movie called "Aw'aat Faragh" (Spare time) which was terrible. The second time, at our place, we watched "Fattah eneik" (Open your Eyes) which was idiotic. Then me and Ali watched another movie on our own, called "Dam el Ghazal" (Blood of the Deer) which was the best of the three, though predictable and stereotypical.

Finally, the spirit of egyptomania reached its peak when we finally, and to Ali's great content, installed a satellite dish at home so we can receive Arabic channels. I was never keen on this move, in fact, I do not think it's necessary at all. But I guess it would be nice to be able to watch an old egyptian movie every now and then since all the new ones are rubbish apparently.



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