Thursday, October 06, 2005

the real deal

It's day three, and I still can't manage to do any decent bit of work in the pre-six thirty period. My coffee-depraved mind refuses to deal with anything seriously. For example, yesterday I took the wrong bus to the same place I went to the day before and ended up being half an hour late for iftar as if I needed to get more thirsty. And today, I knew that it's Billy's birthday (happy birthday :) ), but it was hours later when I noticed that today is 6th of October, a national holiday in Egypt, so here is a birthday I'll never forget :) Anyway, I guess I have to depend more often on the post-six thirty period.

Oh, here is the latest piece of academic news for you, according to this, Sir Henry Neville is claimed to be the one who actually wrote the great plays and poems of Shakespeare. All I can say is, well.. even if it's true, it's probably going to be a very long time before a teacher walks in a class and says: "this semester we're going to study Hamlet by Henry Neville".



Blogger Wonderer said...

"this semester we're going to study Hamlet by Henry Neville".

It sounds to me like "today we are going to listen to "Al Atlal" by Haifaa Wahby"

1:27 PM  
Blogger Al Sharief said...

What if it is True?! My guess is that the Brit Society at large would resist making things right?

No Fan of Haifa nor um Kalthum, I don't get the anology wondrer?!

3:03 PM  
Blogger Mai said...

hey sharief, come on you don't have to be a fan of haifa (thank god you're not) or of um kalthoum to get the analogy?!! :) the point is "al atlal" is one of the landmarks of um kalthoum's work that is considered prototypical of her, and therefore would sound weird to attribute to someone else, just as "hamlet" is for shakespeare. anyway, i don't even want to know if shakespeare really wrote the great stuff or not, i think the mystery is a big part of his appeal.

6:06 AM  

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