Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Mission Marriage: Day 30 cont.

I woke up this morning thinking: ok.. no more worrying about millions of little details for the wedding, today I'll just relax a bit. So I watched tv for some time, listened to lots of Arabic love songs, read a bit, and did some online chatting all while lying on the sofa.

Then the millions of little details started to nag me again. So I got up, made a few phonecalls, looked into my papers, checked out some websites, etc etc etc. Of course the one common thing that I always do whether I'm relaxing, studying, talking over the phone, watching tv, doing anything is emailing Ali every 5 minutes.. :) well, not exactly 5 minutes.. maybe 4 and a half? :) sometimes I wonder if he actually manages to get any work done :)

Ok, now I'm hungry and I think I'm going to make myself a nice cup of cof.... tea and sit and do some real work.

Mai (the bride)


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